Triangle Baha'i Institute
Birth of the Training Institute
“What the friends throughout the world are now being asked to do is to commit themselves, their material resources, their abilities and their time to the development of a network of training institutes on a scale never before attempted.
These centers of Bahá’í learning will have as their goal one very practical outcome, namely, the raising up of large numbers of believers who are trained to foster and facilitate the process of entry by troops with efficiency and love."
Universal House of Justice Ridvan 1996Impact of the Training Institute
As a result of our efforts, the Training Institute, this “instrument of limitless potentiality” according to the House of Justice, is not only at the heart of Bahá’í community life, but also the means by which the Bahá’í Revelation is penetrating neighborhoods and villages and assisting individuals, families and whole communities to counter the forces of disintegration and take charge of their spiritual and material well-being.
The Atlantic Regional Training Institute Now
The Atlantic States Regional Training Institute is rapidly evolving. It currently has a dedicated Board of Directors with a number of Regional Coordinators, Cluster Institute Coordinators, and a veritable army of Tutors, Animators and Children’s class teachers.
As a result of this “engine of growth”, the number of participants are increasing cycle by cycle, the region is now sustaining:
Approximately 2,800 core activities with 11,200 participants of which almost 3,800 are friends of the Faith.
Participants in children’s classes and junior youth groups include 1,600 friends of the Faith.
Youth at the Heart of Community Building
The Regional Training Institute has learned through experience that the movement of youth into the field of service can best be achieved through residential intensive institute gatherings where they are enabled to completely immerse in study, fellowship and service during school breaks. Thus far these have been held in rented facilities, AirBnb’s, etc.
The costs of renting these facilities, as well as the logistical challenge of providing transportation and food in a number of different settings, have convinced the Regional Council that the time is come to call for the purchase of a Permanent Training Institute Facility.
Purpose of the Training Institute Facility
Primarily to provide an intensive and immersive residential experience over several days to several weeks.
Mainly youth ages 15-30
Spiritual Transformation through immersion in the Creative Word and Fellowship
Training to serve as Children’s Class Teachers, Junior Youth Group Animators and Tutors
Returning to their neighborhoods to serve and help build spiritually vibrant communities
Will also be used for Intensive Family Retreats, Meetings of Regional Institutions, Neighborhood Reflection Gatherings, Gatherings of Teachers and Animators, etc.
7,629Sq. Ft.
21.83 Acre Lot
Separate dorms for males & females
Occupancy: 60+ people for overnight stay
Meeting areas
Several additional buildings
Plenty of Outdoor Space for Recreation
Very near largest focus neighborhood in the Triangle Cluster
Brief testimonials from youth who have participated in these intensive training institute gatherings:
“This helped me to be more generous with my thoughts and thoughtful about my actions.”
“I would say that the institute intensives have positively impacted me in so many ways. If I had to pick some would be that it’s a wonderful place to make friends. I’ve made so many lovely, supportive people who are always there for me. These intensives also helped me learn how to respectfully act around different people and their cultures. They also taught me how to be patient, loving and kind to whomever I cross paths with.”
“Institute intensives have not only opened doors to the most meaningful friendships that I continue to foster but have also given me a space to have the conversations that I want to have about justice, spirituality, and the world. Every intensive is like a renewal of my faith in my own transformation and in the Youth around me.”
Financing this Project
Purchased March 2021 – $2.6 million (National Spiritual Assembly paid $3 million with the understanding that the Atlantic Region will raise the funds through fundraising)
Initial Repairs – $1 Million
Remaining loan from National Spiritual Assembly Approximately $800,000
Ongoing costs – Approximately $500,000 annually
An earmarked fund has been established: “Regional Facilities Fund” and Contributions to this fund can be done through the Online Contributions Service (OCS) secure method, or if you prefer other methods, please contact
Sign in with your Bahá’í ID and password
Select “Enter Contribution”
Choose either one time or continuing contribution
Select Regional Facilities Fund
Please enter “Yes” to discretionary
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