Learning Space
Learning is a huge element of our framework for action. What kinds of questions are we asking ourselves as a region, a cluster or a neighborhood, helping the nucleus think about certain objects of learning around increasing the flow of youth for example into the institute, about establishing basic programs for children and junior youth in each cluster, etc. And at the end of each gathering we might also draw on the questions and guidance that is prepared at the Inter-Institutional Meetings. What are you learning about xyz in your cluster/neighborhood? What other objects of learning have you identified for your cluster/neighborhood? etc.
An Example of an Expanding Nucleus
Washington DC
In Washington DC cluster, we had noticed a drop in the last two cycles in the number of those studying upper level Ruhi Books with few new study circles forming. There was an assumption of lack of demand due to a number of factors. Rather than accept this premise, the coordination team explored the idea of having a Ruhi Cafe (ie multiple study circles taking place at the same time) as a means to create demand and excitement for the upper level courses. There was a vigorous outreach to invite potential participants with personal invitations and reminders. New tutors were identified to facilitate the study of upper level courses that matched their interest. Today, we had the Ruhi Cafe with 27 participants; 4 new tutors mobilized; 4 new study circles launched (Books 10, 11, 12 and 14), taking place in an engaging, spiritually edifying environment. All groups established a timeline to continue the study.
Prince William
Dear friends we would like to share What we have been learning in Prince William on how to extend invitation to inhabitants of the cluster especially focus neighborhood to come to reflection gatherings. For the past year we had a bounty of having many people attending reflection meetings. (We used to have 10-15 now ranging from 60-70 parents, children, siblings, adults and youths. Some of the things which contributed to high number of inhabitants of community to come are:
Language used to invite. When we invite people what we say to them is we are inviting them to community gathering instead saying reflection meeting.
The space is festive, children, junior youth, youth and adult share or show case their accomplishments in the last three months.
The program is simple and make it easier people to participate. It is comprised of of opening prayers, songs, breakup group with quotation and simple two guided questions for reflection(what they did to contribute to the betterment of the community the past three months and what they are planning to do for the next three months) then sharing and concluding with meal.