News Stories


Children Class amidst devastation in North Carolina

Dear friends, I wanted to share a picture of our grade 2 children's class in Asheville's Woodridge neighborhood today. (sorry pic quality isnt great) We made cards for those we loved and prayed together. During a home visit afterwards delivering water to families and talking about how to support each other, the two girls holding up their crafts in the photo shared prayers for all those affected by Hurricane Helene. "O God guide me" is still their favorite, and they love to sing it together! ❤ Their families were really touched. We have spent lots of time praying with families, and deepening bonds of love during this catastrophic event, in addition to doing what we can to meet material needs. There have been so, so many amazing examples of people selflessly assisting one another! Also many, many reminders of just how critical the community building work is. Sending you all lots and lots of love, please keep us in your prayers!!!

A Declaration of Faith

I want to share a short story. Three months ago, I took my little girl to playground near home.  There, I saw a mother and her 20-year-old daughter playing on a swing.  They looked Iranian.  So I went ahead and started talking.  I told them that, we have a wonderful camp next week, with a group of young people of your same age. we have study, consultation and service projects, and there is also music, games in a happy and warm atmosphere.  Be sure if you come to one session, you will love it very much, and if you don't like it, feel free to not come after the first session.  She came and was so enthusiastic that when I invited her to the  part-time SOS program for following week she accepted with 7 other friends in that book one. After finishing one week SOS,  she participated in one of the new nuclei that was formed after SOS, and she is an assistant teacher of one children classes in our neighborhood. 

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Small Maryland town shows a big appetite for spiritual activities

Growing up in a small town has its benefits: kids often enjoy a tight-knit community and relative safety. But they may not have as many opportunities to expand their horizons as their urban peers do. 

Take Federalsburg, Maryland, a town of 2,700 nestled near the center of the Delmarva Peninsula between Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. “Federalsburg is a town with a lot of children and not much to do,” says high school student Joseph Foster. “They get bored and turn to other stuff.”

In May, a team of Baha’is was traveling the Peninsula, engaging residents in conversations about building community through prayer and service. Brett Emmons of Dover, Delaware, was on that team. .

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