Regional Bahá’í Council

The Regional Bahá’í Council of the Atlantic States is the institution currently responsible for the District of Columbia, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia.

The Council is elected by all Local Spiritual Assembly members in the region and ratified by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States. The above is a picture of those who are serving this institution for the year ending on The Day of The Covenant 2023.

The 13 Regional Bahá’í Councils in the contiguous 48 United States are institutions that operate as arms of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of the United States. They coordinate regional efforts to expand Bahá’í outreach to the wider community; analyze approaches to carry out current plans for the growth of Bahá’í service programs for children, youth and adults; implement strategies to help clusters of communities move through stages of growth; and promote neighborhood capacity building, learning, and service.

Operational Mode of Learning

The Regional Council carries out its service through consultative meetings, reflection spaces, and learning teams while accompanying the friends across the region in community building within the framework for action, efforts regarding social action, and engagement in discourses of society. The following learning teams are currently active and if you wish to know more about a particular area or assist in serving in that arena, please contact the Secretary of the Council.

Material Means to Fuel the Efforts of the Region

The Universal House of Justice has stated that the Regional Bahá’í Council

encourages believers within its region to contribute to various funds of the Cause, including the regional branch of the national fund, with the aim that, in due course, the entire expenditure for the region would be provided by the believers in the region.

To contribute to the Regional Bahá’í Fund: Go to the Regional Bahá’í Fund page

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