A Declaration of Faith
I want to share a short story. Three months ago, I took my little girl to playground near home. There, I saw a mother and her 20-year-old daughter playing on a swing. They looked Iranian. So I went ahead and started talking. I told them that, we have a wonderful camp next week, with a group of young people of your same age. we have study, consultation and service projects, and there is also music, games in a happy and warm atmosphere. Be sure if you come to one session, you will love it very much, and if you don't like it, feel free to not come after the first session. She came and was so enthusiastic that when I invited her to the part-time SOS program for following week she accepted with 7 other friends in that book one. After finishing one week SOS, she participates in one of the new nuclei that was formed after SOS, and she is an assistant teacher of one children classes in our neighborhood. I asked her to attend our previous feast at Baha'i Center that was dedicated to the youth. She read a beautiful letter there that she had written in the describing the great changes in her life in the last two months. At that moment, I could see tears of joy in many Baha'is.
Finally she called me three days ago and said that before I met this group, I hated religion and only accepted God, being good human and ... But during this time, I realized that all the things I believed can be seen in the Baha'i faith. Now I would like to declare my faith in the Bahá'í Faith as a great way to live my life and as a suitable path to serve humanity. She mentioned I don't care how my family reacts to this decision. so please tell me what should I do?
Today we went to her place with combination of three youth nuclei and celebrated her faith and gave her the declaration form to sign. We could not stop praying.
We also had a good meaningful conversation with her mother and she is ready to start study circle with her own peer group. We planed for starting next week.
Our new protagonist has a pure heart and great talent for service and love for humanity.
Ya Baha'u'l-Abha