
How bountiful, moreover, will be the rewards which He who watches from on high the varying fortunes of the Plan and presides over its destinies, must either in this world or in the next — and it may well be in both — choose to confer upon those, who, at the hour of the Plan’s greatest need, will fly to its succour, exhibit the rarest evidences of courage and heroism, and choose to subordinate their personal interests to the immediate needs and future glory of the community to which they belong. 

— Shoghi Effendi

How can I serve?

Service on Mobile Resource Teams

Visit a goal cluster(s), as part of a team, at least once a week, and have spiritual conversations with local residents in order to come to a shared understanding of the needs of their community and welcome them to the institute process (study circles, children’s classes and junior youth groups) and to devotional gatherings. Then, tutor study circles and accompany new friends in the practices of the study circles and in their paths of service to initiate and sustain their own core activities.   Attend team gatherings 3 to 4 times a year to reflect, consult, study and plan your next 3 months.  Also, please note that visits to cluster(s) may be more than once per week, depending on the needs of these new friends.

Service as a Homefront Pioneer

Relocate to a goal cluster and build friendships by having spiritual conversations with local residents in order to come to a shared understanding of the needs of their community and to welcome them to the institute process (children’s classes, junior youth groups and study circles) and to devotional gatherings. Then, tutor study circles and accompany new friends in the practices of the study circles and in their paths of service to initiate and sustain their own core activities.  Attend team gatherings 3 to 4 times a year to reflect, consult, study and plan your next 3 months.

Where can I serve?

The linked and regularly updated map shows clusters and homefront pioneer goals. To see the map in full-screen view, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the map. Highest priority clusters are colored Orange and are in need of neighborhood settlements. Green colored clusters are second  priority, Brown is third and Grey has no needs. The clear areas are no longer in the clustering scheme.

What action do I take to arise to serve?

If you are interested in homefront pioneering, please complete this interest form, after which a representative of the Atlantic Regional Baha’i Council will be following up with you as soon as possible.

If you have any immediate questions, feel free to contact the Council Secretariat by email at or by phone at (919) 914-0156.

You will also be welcome to consult with the Auxiliary Board member for your area or for the area of the region to which you are interested in relocating.

What guidance can I study on pioneering?

“Foremost among these will be the deployment of teams of international and homefront pioneers who are familiar with the framework for action and are prepared to dedicate significant amounts of time and energy to serving the Cause over a number of years.” — UHJ: 30 December 2021 ¶ 8

“Efforts to stimulate activity in a cluster, especially one that has not yet been opened to the Faith, are greatly enhanced if one or more individuals settle there as homefront pioneers, concentrating their attention on part of a village or even a single street where there is heightened receptivity.” — UHJ: 29 December 2015 ¶ 5