Washington DC Reflection on Book 1 Increases Meetings for Prayer

In January 2014, the Washington DC Cluster held a dinner gathering to reflect on and promote the establishment of gatherings for prayer or devotional meetings. The Study Circle Coordinator for the cluster sent a warm message to tutors of Ruhi Book 1, Reflections on the Life of the Spirit, explaining that the gathering “will provide an opportunity for participants in the first course of the main sequence to meet friends across the cluster who are also focused on sharing prayers with others and augmenting the devotional spirit of our community.  As we have all experienced in various ways as participants in the global teaching plans, reflection gatherings like these help foster a sense of collective endeavor and inspire us along our paths of service.” She then asked the tutors to consider extending personal invitations to each of the participants in their Book 1 study circles and accompanying them to the gathering.

The outcome was demonstrated in the Washington DC February 2014 expansion phase activities and documented in the following colorful report on five different devotional meetings that were held.

DC Report on Feb 2014 Devotional Meetings